Journal News
Ninth Editorial Committee of Naihuo Cailiao and Sixth Editorial Committee of China’s Refractories Established
On September 20, 2019, the 9th editorial committee of Naihuo Cailiao (Refractories, Chinese bimonthly) and the 6th editorial committee of China's refractories (English quarterly) were established in Liuzhou, Guangxi, China.
Wang Zhanmin, vice chairman of the editorial committees of the two journals and vice president of LIRR, hosted the meeting and delivered an opening speech. Peng Xigao, editor-in-chief of Naihuo Cailiao, and Zhang Xiaohui, deputy editor-in-chief of China's refractories, made the work reports of the two journals.
More than 40 editorial committee members attended the meeting. In the meeting the editorial committee regulations were approved and the member certificates were issued. The members discussed the orientation, publication scope, data-bases covering, manuscript source, etc., of the two journals and proposed guidance and forward-looking suggestions. Because of the long distance, most foreign members gave their suggestion through emails.
Pubdate: 2021-05-25