China's Refractories


China's Refractories

• Original article •    

Rheology of Steel Fibre Containing Alumina-Magnesia-Extruded Graphite Pellets Self-Flowing Castables

K. Balamurugan, K. Sankaranarayanane , ZHOU Xianxin   

  1. école Polytechnique de Montréal, QC
  • Published:2007-06-25

Abstract: The influences of adding steel fibres of different lengths up to 3 volume percentages, on the rheological behaviour of an alumina-magnesia-extruded graphite pellet containing castables have been studied using a rheometer. Free-flow measurements have shown that the flow is severely affected by increasing the length of steel fibres. The calculated values of rheological constants indicate that 19 mm and 25 mm fibre up to 2 volume percentage is permitted while one volume percentage of 50 mm fibres severely degrades the rheology of the castable.

Key words: Steel fibre, Rheological behaviour, Alumina-magnesia-extruded graphite pellet containing castables